Thursday, March 5, 2015


Introverts or Extroverts

This past week I was hanging with one of my friends and we were having a conversation about things going on in life and the things the Lord has been working in us and we ended up talking about personality types and I was reminded of something the Lord did in me.
There are personalities.
Like, Melancholy, Choleric, Sanguine, and Phlegmatic.
Check it out if you don’t know.
It’s really interesting.
Well, when I found out I was a Choleric/Melancholy, or when I realized that personalities even had I type, I clung to that and allowed myself to conform to that personality type rather than let God form me into someone that a type just followed.

Ultimately, this all caused a lot of conflict in my soul. Since I had put this label on myself, I wanted to do everything to make myself exactly that, but I was miserable.

My soul was reaching out for love and affection but I had this personality face, which told me that I was introverted, bossy, and a deep thinker.
Which, is true, but also created this place in me where I began to use it as an excuse to be inconsiderate.
And although it’s true, it doesn’t give me an excuse to be a jerk.
If I am choleric, which says they are impatient, and I’m full of Holy Spirit, and one of the gifts of Holy Spirit are patience, then I have lost my excuse.
And honestly, regardless of every defect to our character, if we have Jesus in our lives, we are no longer living to our own selfish ways and desires anyways.
We are dead to ourselves and alive to God.

To say, “I’m this personality type so I can or can’t do this” is a lousy excuse to be a jerk.

I was sitting in my room upstairs one day and everyone was outside having fun in the snow, and I opened my bible, as I was thinking about how
“Introverted” I was being and was like, “Lord I’m here”. 
And truthfully, I had my nose stuck in the air with pride because of it.
And He told me to go outside and be with people.
It was then that I realized whatever I had thought about myself didn’t matter.
The longer I was selfish with how and what I wanted to do, I’d be miserable. 
And the only time I’d be truly fulfilled, is when doing things with people I love, even if I don’t like what I’m doing.
I ended up loving every minute of it and my heart tank was full of love that night.

Now, don’t go do something against what Jesus would do/say/or taught, to be with people you love.
That’s just ignorant.

But, get over your idea of how you think you’re supposed to be.
Get over what everyone has said you are.
Get over the labels you want to fill, they’re not real anyways.
Get over the fears of doing something you don’t want to do.
Get over yourself.
And go out and be with people you love,
With people who love you.
With people you want to love.
With people you don’t know.
Go do things you’d never do.
Even if you’re scared.
Even if you’re insecure in the moment.
Step out and embrace life.

It’s scary to do things you’ve never done before.
Oh but the thrill and the satisfaction that comes with sacrificial love

Is worth every drop.

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