A lot of my friends call me “mom”.
A couple days ago I was reading through Hebrews 10, and I
read this statement,
So I went on with my day as normal.
This morning, I was on the phone with my mom, and I was
sharing with her about this prayer meeting I went to last night, and how
someone had mentioned that if you struggled with a sin issue, to find someone
to hold you accountable, etc.
In the middle of talking to her, the Holy Spirit reminded me
of that scripture.
Be concerned with one another.
Now, I’m not talking about concerned as in to worry,
but in the biblical meaning of concern:
1) to perceive,
remark, observe, understand
2) to consider
attentively, fix one's eyes or mind upon
When I was always called “mom” with my friends, it was because
I was concerned.
Now don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t always concerned.
But when one of my friends got a new boyfriend, came home
late, or did things that made me feel weird, I was concerned.
You should always be careful who you allow to speak into
your life.
I think that’s why a lot of Christians still struggle with sin
One because of the lack of renewed minds, and two because of
the lack of concern.
We can’t forget to be concerned.