Wednesday, May 16, 2018


“We pursue obedience to Christ, but our hope is not in our obedience.”
Jerry Bridges

My deliverer.

It was so dark, so, so dark. My thoughts were deafening, so much empty noise. From the sunrise to the next sunrise my thoughts wrapped their claws around my faith and decided to wage war with my freedom.
The war on my faith was waged. 
Whether from my own disfunction/past and addictive what-have-yous, or whatever your reasoning being, I was standing face to face with this giant.
Everything I hated, I did and everything I desired to do, I couldn’t. 

Self-control is a vital fruit of the Spirit that you take for granted until you feel it being attacked.

I had lost all confidence. 
Stripped down to a little girl trapped by an addiction I couldn’t get a grip on. 
I couldn’t conjure up enough self control to fight for freedom. 

But then something happened, I can’t even recall the date on when it happened, but it happened.

The One who reaches His hand into the darkest places of my being.. with the most gentle touch, He carried me. 
He reached into that place, and answered my pleas for deliverance.
I had read all of these blogs, listened to tons of sermons, went to every altar call, and got everyone I knew to pray.

But no one, no book, no song, no sermon, no thing could deliver me.   

And thats what this blog is about.
Its about the fact that you can sit in a church building all day and still be cold as a stone.
You can listen to every sermon you can get your hands on, and still be numb.
You can have therapy sessions with your girls day after day, but the plaguing darkness cannot be lifted until you have encountered the True Deliverer.

“He said: “The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; 3 my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior— from violent people you save me.” 2 Samuel 23:2-3

He. Is. the. Deliverer.
To be delivered, you have to encounter the Deliverer. 

You cant sit in His presence and commune with Him and not feel the sweet conviction of Holy Spirit lay His hands on those things that stand in His place.

Those things that are holding you captive, those thoughts plaguing your mind, those lies binding you, those fears blinding you, those things lose their place when in His midst.

“Then he said to me, "This is what the LORD says to Zerubbabel: It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of Heaven's Armies.”
Zech. 4:6

My own arm was too short to reach for my deliverance, but His hand was not too short to deliver me. (Is. 59:1)

In the midst of my chaos, even today, He is the great deliverer. 

Job 38-39 has been the voice I hear. He is all-knowing. He is the deliverer. 
And He has come to deliver.