Friday, July 18, 2014


"He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters." 
Psalm 18:16


People are afraid that if they reach out, they won’t have someone reach back.

So instead of reaching out, we just end up looking at our hands and finding reasons of how unworthy of someone’s reach they are.
When in reality, none of us are worthy of being reached out to, yet somewhere in the middle of our disastrous choices, a man named Jesus stepped out of His Kingdom and became reachable for us.
The ironic part is, He reached out to us first.
He didn’t have to, but He did.
Not only did He, but He wanted to. 
He desired us.
And for us, to reach out to Him, we had no way to reach Him.
We were hopeless.
Our unworthiness of reach was dividing us from this great embrace.
But, He longed for our reach, and we were born to long for His.
And when He reached out to us, He made us worthy of reach.
So, we don’t have to look at our hands to find unworthiness any longer.
Now when we look at our hands, we see His scars that replaced our unworthiness and made us Holy and righteous.

And now all I have to do is realize how worthy of reach He is, and reach to Him.
And He reaches back. Every time.

I’m no longer scared to reach out to anyone else, because if they don’t reach back, I just look at my other hand that is held so tightly by someone who made me worthy of reach.

I’m no longer longing for a reach to validate my worth, but am fully aware of how worthy I am, but not because of me, but because of Him.

Jesus, thank You, for making me worthy.
To You is all the Glory, forever, and ever.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Standing on a choice

I used to be so walled up to being involved with people.
Until one day everything changed.


I had been getting over a relationship and suddenly, it all made sense.
For so long my mom had been telling me that love was a choice. It wasn’t just continuous sparks, and fuzzy warmth 24/7.

It was sacrificial. It was satisfying. 
It was hard. It was easy. It was selfless.
It was a choice.

It never made sense to me, especially sense I watched so many movies about people who have crazy passion for each other, with crazy romantic dates, and the pursuit that was so intriguing.

It caused me to believe that the moment in a relationship that sparks were gone, that it wasn’t meant to be. 
Now, obviously, you are led by the Holy Spirit's giving of peace. 
And the moment peace leaves. So do you.
I’ve barely skimmed the surface with knowledge of relationships concerning the opposite sex.
But, through this, I’ve learned that love is a choice. 
With everyone, not even just the opposite sex. 
With family, with friends, with everyone.

Not that you make after they’ve decided to love you.
Not after they’ve kissed you.
Not after they’ve bought you something nice.
Not after any of those things.

But before.
Before they choose you.
Before they reach out in vulnerability.
Before they show you their heart.
before anything.
If from the very beginning you chose to love them, no matter what they throw at you, you can stand boldly in love.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” 
1 Corinthians 13:4-7

That is true love.
When you make the choice to love, regardless.
Regardless of the circumstances.
When you make the choice to love, all of those attributes of love become attainable.

And then, when you choose to love, it is truly beautiful to be loved in return.