The art of gentleness is the loveliest talent I’ve ever
It's easy to be harsh.
It's easy to show someone you love them with actions.
It's easy to protect someone with a weapon in your hand.
But, to be gentle, that is something rare.
Something that includes self-control, wisdom, and the holy spirit.
Gentleness is a strategic, beautiful, mysterious dance.
Where we become entangled in the lies of the serpent, and this great yet humble rider comes, out of nowhere, out of a virgin and undermines the enemy with this secret plan.
He uses gentleness where the enemy uses violence.
"My kingdom is not of this world," said Jesus.
"If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I wouldn't be handed over to the Jews. As it is, My kingdom does not have its origin here."
To be bold without arrogance
To stand for justice and not raise your voice
To create a sense of protection with words alone
To love without fear
To be kind yet fierce
What an intriguing thing
It is brilliant.
And it's mad.
It's Jesus.