Tuesday, September 2, 2014

cloudy vision

I am so pumped for fall to be here.
Obviously I’m enjoying the now, of course.
pumpkin spiced everything, cinnamon sprinkled everything, and sweater covered everything.
Not to mention, fashion is at its all time high, the night skies are clear and the stars are begging to be looked at, and the events are beautiful; from bonfires, to camping, to all the holidays that are packaged to bring together families and friends.
I literally get so excited I can’t handle it.
I even have the urge to dress like an elf and wear Christmas colors and jewelry all winter long.
It’s slightly embarrassing. Oh well.



But, I really love this time of year because I really love the atmosphere change.
In my surrounding group of friends, we speak of “seasons” as in where you can be located spiritually in your walk with God, and sometimes Winter has a harsh connotation behind it, simply because well… it’s pretty cold and nothing bears fruit. 
(Except those random things that go unnoticed.)
But, what I realized is that the skies are clearer and the stars shine brighter than ever.
Sometimes the humidity clouds our perception of things.
We have all the moisture and “the high” of the spring/summer.
And then when it’s stripped away we have this dry and barren place in us that we have to keep sowing seeds for the next summer/spring. 
And if we’re not careful we’ll lose sight of the stars and look down and forget that they are there reminding us of Him. 
And in that place, sometimes it leaves us thinking that God has forgotten about us, but look:

 “Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. “
Isaiah 40:26

Don’t be alarmed in the seasons that feel dry and barren, because that is the time that the stars come out to remind us that He who started a good work, is faithful to complete it.

p.s. Yes,  that is my roommate in a onesie. 
A leopard one.

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