Saturday, July 5, 2014

Stuck in a rut

“Are we those people who are so structured in set in our ways that we can’t have fun?”
“I don’t want to be those people. I want to be free.”

It’s easy to get stuck without even recognizing it, to be comfortable with the everyday shuffle of life, living in routine, not touching anyone outside except the occasional person in the line at the grocery store.
To blame it on personality type or to say, “I’m just a homebody” (which could very well be true for some of you) is almost to avoid recognizing it altogether.

But for me… I’m just selfish.
I say I love people, and love to go out and be with them.
But underneath it all, I’m just a selfish person who likes to go to places I like and if it’s somewhere that I might not be comfortable, I don’t want to go.

Until this weekend.
I’ve been on this “Just do it” lifestyle for a couple weeks or so.
Now, I don’t “Just do it” immediately. It takes a little prodding to wear me down until I say yes. But, I eventually give in and do it.
(There are times I say no, if it’s immoral, etc)

But, this weekend I’m staying with my best friend and her family in Florida for a few days. Their lives model a family that embraces people and loves them outrageously.
And they live completely free.
Like, walk up to a man in a forth of July outfit, who slightly looks like Santa Clause... And ask for a picture.
 INSANITY to me, but to them, it’s just the everyday shuffle of enjoying the life on earth without wasting a moment.
Living without fear, without regret.

They may not say it, but their lives shout it.
They realize that people are the only valuables in this life.

They have taught me that people mark you.
And we can either embrace the gifts they bring, and grow. 
Or sit at home, wishing we’d gone and become malnourished.

Every single person brings growth in our life. 
Whether its growth in patience, long suffering, or growth in love.
The list goes on.

It’s easy to grow up and not recognize the gifts walking around because of the comfortable rut we’ve dug to live in.

Yeah, you might not agree with everything that people say or do, and they might let you down sometimes.

But the moment we step away from people because of pain or fear,
We stunt growth in our own life.

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