Friday, May 30, 2014

Your boundaries are beautiful

One thing I’ve learned in life, if you try something 5485798 times and it doesn’t work out, maybe it’s not supposed to.
For instance, like today.
I woke up and had all these plans on what I wanted to do for the day.
So I got up, got dressed (outfit crisis x5), and set out for the day.
Well, as I’m walking to my car I see a good spot for a blogshoot (fancy name for take pictures of my outfits) and I set up my camera and start shooting.

Then it gets darker.
And darker.
And darker.
Until BAM.

Little torpedo-like raindrops start to splash all over the place.
So this is a game changer.
What now?

Go back inside, pick up a book & call it a day. 

Don’t give up or be discouraged when things don’t go as planned.
Like outfits, boyfriends, plans, jobs, etc.
Some things need to be pressed on until they move, like the girl at the cash register who hates her job, yeah, she needs to be pressed on with love until she can’t help but laugh. My dad does that a lot, he goes through the lines at the grocery store and laughs with the ladies about random things. He shows them love that way. And eventually they love and laugh back.

And some things just don’t budge because they’re not supposed to (kind of like those fake pockets on jeans, the ones that are just for looks).

That’s why I pray. 
Because God always knows if it’s a real door or not.

So next time things don't go as planned, don't get all dismayed, just embrace life and enjoy the rain in the middle of your sunshine.  

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